

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




SpaceX's historic launch hurled a sequined plush dinosaur into space with NASA astronauts

Business Insider

SpaceX launched its most precious cargo yet into space on Saturday: two NASA astronauts and a plush, sequined dinosaur toy.

At 3:22 p.m. ET, a Falcon 9 rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying the Crew Dragon spaceship that SpaceX designed and NASA funded. It's the first time a commercial spacecraft has carried humans into space, and the first time astronauts have launched from the US since the end of the Space Shuttle Program nine years ago.

It's also the first time a sequined dinosaur has been to space. (Though dinosaur fossils have traveled beyond our atmosphere before.)

The toy carries on a tradition of spaceships carrying plushies with them. Once the toys start to float around, observers know the ship has left the pull of Earth's gravity. That's why they're often called "zero-gravity indicators."

About 10 minutes after launch, the plushie appeared in NASA's live feed of the Crew Dragon, where it was floating around the cabin of the spaceship. It drifted towards Behnken, and he pushed it aside.

"Looks like we saw our zero-G indicator floating around there," a NASA commentator said as the dinosaur appeared. "I know Bob and Doug owe us a little bit about what exactly that is that they brought up with them."

It is unclear who picked out the dinosaur, why they chose it, or whether it has a name.

Observers first spotted the dinosaur in NASA's live feed of launch preparations on Wednesday, when the rocket was first scheduled to liftoff (and then delayed due to poor weather).

Geophysicist Mike McKinnon suggested on Twitter that the plushie could be a TY Flippables Tremor Dinosaur.

When the Crew Dragon made its first test flight to the International Space Station, with no astronauts on board, it carried a plushie Earth named "Buddy." The toy later sold out in stores.

However, TY no longer manufactures the Tremor Dinosaur. It is out of stock on Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes and Noble.

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SpaceX's historic launch hurled a sequined plush dinosaur into space with NASA astronauts

Business Insider

SpaceX launched its most precious cargo yet into space on Saturday: two NASA astronauts and a plush, sequined dinosaur toy.


sequined /ˈsiːkwɪnd/

表示“装饰有闪光小圆片的”,英文解释为“A sequined piece of clothing is decorated or covered with sequins.”


1)作名词,表示“绒布;(丝或棉的)长毛绒”,英文解释为“thick, soft cloth, with a surface like short fur, used especially for covering furniture”如:plush cushions/curtains 绒布垫子/窗帘。

2)作形容词,表示“奢侈的,豪华的;舒适的”,英文解释为“expensive, comfortable, and of high quality”如:a plush hotel 豪华的宾馆。

🎬电影《功夫熊猫2》(Kung Fu Panda 2)中的台词提到:My fist in your plush cuddly super soft face. 我那打在你毛茸茸脸的拳头。


1)原意表示“猛扔;猛投;猛摔”,英文解释为“to throw sth/sb violently in a particular direction”举个🌰:

He hurled a brick through the window.


2)此处的含义指的就是火箭发射把恐龙玩偶和宇航员“送上”了太空,英文解释:to move your body with speed and force in a particular direction, or to be moved in this way.

3)hurl也有“ 大声说出(辱骂或斥责等)”的意思,英文解释为“to shout insults, etc. at sb”举个🌰:

Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.


4)另外还有“呕吐”的意思(to vomit)。

🎬电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids)中的台词提到:I'm going to hurl. I feel really sick, Annie! 我要吐了,好难受。

🎬电影《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》(Finding Dory)中的台词提到:Hey, dude, if you're gonna hurl, 如果你要吐的话,

At 3:22 p.m. ET, a Falcon 9 rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying the Crew Dragon spaceship that SpaceX designed and NASA funded. It's the first time a commercial spacecraft has carried humans into space, and the first time astronauts have launched from the US since the end of the Space Shuttle Program nine years ago.

美国东部时间下午3点22分,猎鹰9号火箭从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射升空,运载着SpaceX公司设计并由美国宇航局资助的龙飞船。这是商业航天器首次搭载人类进入太空,也是自9年前航天飞机项目(Space Shuttle Program)结束以来,宇航员首次从美国发射升空。

It's also the first time a sequined dinosaur has been to space. (Though dinosaur fossils have traveled beyond our atmosphere before.)


dinosaur fossils 恐龙化石

The toy carries on a tradition of spaceships carrying plushies with them. Once the toys start to float around, observers know the ship has left the pull of Earth's gravity. That's why they're often called "zero-gravity indicators."



1)常见含义表示“(尤指地球的)重力,引力,地心引力”,英文解释为:the force that attracts objects towards one another, especially the force that makes things fall to the ground. 如:the laws of gravity 万有引力定律,物理课上学的g=9.8还是g=10你还记得吗?


I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.




Plushie vs Plush

Plushie is a derived term of plush.

As nouns the difference between plushie and plush is that plushie is a type of doll made from fabric and filled with any kind of soft stuffing, often a personal mascot in the furry community while plush is a textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, longer and softer than the nap of velvet.

As a adjective plush is (uk) very extravagant.

Plushie vs Plushy

As a noun plushie is a type of doll made from fabric and filled with any kind of soft stuffing, often a personal mascot in the furry community.

As an adjective plushy is like plush; soft and shaggy.


🎬还是电影《功夫熊猫2》(Kung Fu Panda 2)中的台词提到:Big and fury, soft and squashy. Kind of plushy and cuddly. 又大又勇,又软又茸。毛长长的很可爱。


About 10 minutes after launch, the plushie appeared in NASA's live feed of the Crew Dragon, where it was floating around the cabin of the spaceship. It drifted towards Behnken, and he pushed it aside.


live feed

live feed /ˌlaɪv ˈfiːd/ 最直接的理解就是“直播”,英文解释为:the broadcast of sound or video over the internet from a live (not recorded) source, for example a concert or sports event.



表示“漂流;漂移;飘”,英文解释为“to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air”举个🌰:

Clouds drifted across the sky.


"Looks like we saw our zero-G indicator floating around there," a NASA commentator said as the dinosaur appeared. "I know Bob and Doug owe us a little bit about what exactly that is that they brought up with them."


It is unclear who picked out the dinosaur, why they chose it, or whether it has a name.


Observers first spotted the dinosaur in NASA's live feed of launch preparations on Wednesday, when the rocket was first scheduled to liftoff (and then delayed due to poor weather).



表示“(航天器的)发射,起飞,升空”,英文解释为“(the act of a spacecraft leaving the ground and rising into the air)”

Geophysicist Mike McKinnon suggested on Twitter that the plushie could be a TY Flippables Tremor Dinosaur.

地球物理学家麦克·麦金农(Mike McKinnon)在推特上表示,这个可能是TY公司的可翻转恐龙玩偶(TY Flippables Tremor Dinosaur)。

When the Crew Dragon made its first test flight to the International Space Station, with no astronauts on board, it carried a plushie Earth named "Buddy." The toy later sold out in stores.


However, TY no longer manufactures the Tremor Dinosaur. It is out of stock on Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes and Noble.


out of stock

表示“脱销,售罄”,英文解释为“products that are out of stock are not available to buy in a store because they have all been sold”。

注:中文译文仅供参考, 并非一一对应。

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